Unit 9: Natural disasters
Bài 11: Lao động tự giác và sáng tạo
Chủ đề V. Điện
Bài 4
Chương 2. Cơ khí
Task A - Listen to four advertisements. What product is each advertisement selling? Number the pictures 1-4. One is extra - SHS Explore English 8 page 111
Task B - Skim the reading. Match the campaigns to their descriptions - SHS Explore English 8 page 117
Task B - Circle the words with the sound /ai/. Then listen and check your answers - SHS Explore English 8 page 63
Task C (CRITICAL THINKING.) - Talk with a partner. Do you think companies also benefit from cause marketing? Why or why not? Do you have any ideas for a cause marketing campaign? - SHS Explore English 8 page 118
Task E - Turn to page 133. You are going to take a survey to see if you are an optimist or a pessimist - SHS Explore English 8 page 61